Execution deadline in working days
Individual person
Public law legal person
Private law legal person
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Geospatial information shall be issued from the geospatial data sets maintained by the City Development Department of Riga City Council, if such is available for the territory specified in the request. Upon receipt of the request, the City Development Department of Riga City Council shall assess whether the request complies with any of the following criteria:
• the interrogator has entered into a cooperation agreement regarding the development of the project for the performance of the tasks specified by the State or local government (drawing up plans, drafting projects, etc.);
• the interrogator is a State or local government authority for which information is necessary for the performance of the tasks specified in regulatory enactments (drawing up plans, drafting projects, design contests, etc.);
• an applicant is a student person (hereinafter - student) for whom data is necessary for the development of a diploma or study job;
• geospatial information is available in the open data format and there are no distribution restrictions.
After evaluating the request pursuant to the Geospatial Information Law and 30.08.2011 For BOM Regulation No 673, the mandatory content of the regulations for the use of geospatial data set and the procedures for obtaining a permit for use shall be issued a licence or a permit for the use of geospatial information (hereinafter - License). The licence may be signed either remotely with a secure electronic signature or on-site.
Geospatial information is issued in the original maintenance data format of a given dataset, in some cases data may be converted to other data formats. The receipt of data shall be ensured by downloading it to the Internet or by receiving data on site, by embedding it in the interrogator's electronic data medium.
The data shall be issued free of charge.

Process description

  1. Enquiry step
    The following ways to request a service are:
    • presence - submit a completed and signed request and the necessary documents to the Goma Board of Riga City Council in Dzirnavu Street 140, Riga;
    • e-mail - send a completed and signed request with a secure electronic signature and the necessary documents to
    The request must be accompanied by a cartographic image (land borders plan, etc.) with a highlighted area for which geospatial information is requested. In addition, a student person must submit a statement from a higher education institution attesting that the applicant for geospatial information is a student of the relevant institution and shall develop a diploma or study job, indicating the name of the work.

  2. Receipt of services
    The following ways of receiving the service are:
    • face-to-face licensing takes place in Riga City City Development Department's Geomatic Board in Dzirnavu Street 140, Riga. A copy of the applicant's License may be sent to the address indicated in the request. A link is sent to the interrogator for the download of information (available for 10 (ten) working days) or the information is copied to the interrogator's electronic data medium;
    • e-mail - A license for signature with a secure electronic signature is sent to the applicant to the e-mail address specified in the request. Upon mutual electronic signature of a License, its copy *. edoc is sent to the applicant to the e-mail address specified in the request.
    • Other – sending the geospatial download link to Microsoft OneDrive (available for 10 (ten) business days) to the interrogator.

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