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The circular economy is based on goods created for long-term use, repair, re-use and recycling. One of the essential products falls within the competence of the Agency is the construction and renovation of energy-efficient buildings. Construction and renovation of buildings have an impact not only during its lifetime but throughout its life cycle. The Agency shall provide advice on awareness-raising, training development, information and the selection of appropriate solutions to reduce the environmental impact of buildings. The service is intended not only for buildings and construction, but for any circular economy, with a view to sustainable use of materials. The consultation includes both oral information and the preparation of solutions
in the report form.
Upon request, the Agency shall assess the scope of the potential consultation and the expected results.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    The service may be requested in person, electronically, by telephone or by post. When requesting a service in person, the customer refers to the Riga municipality agency.
    the Agency ', where there is an opportunity to apply for a consultation period.
    When requesting the service by telephone, the customer shall inform the recipient of the service, the need for the service and any other relevant information that helps to assess and determine the most efficient way of providing the service and the amount of advice. When requesting a packet electronically, the client shall submit a submission, which has been prepared in conformity with the regulatory enactments regarding the drawing up of electronic documents, certified with a secure electronic signature, time stamp and if other necessary documents are available, which are
    related to the nature of the service provided.
    When requesting a service by mail, the customer shall submit an application specifying his or her contact details and content
    the nature of the need for consultation and, if any, other necessary documents relating to the nature of the service provided.

  2. A service charge
    EUR 30/h for providing advice on circular economic matters.

  3. Receipt of services
    Pre-booked presence through service request channels agreed according to the service request section. Electronically using MS TEAM, ZOOM, or another online platform that allows you to communicate with a video call.


36.30 EUR