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Benefits for the acquisition of education at the beginning of the school year shall be granted to a child of pre-school age from the age of five who undertakes the compulsory preparation of children for basic education and to an educatee who has not reached the age of 21 and who gains general education or vocational education. The amount of the allowance shall be EUR 50.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    The person shall turn to Riga Social Service, present a personal identification document and submit:
    1) an application, upon signing, adult persons shall give a permit to the Riga Social Service to use the information available in the local government and State data registers regarding themselves and family members;
    2) documents certifying income and material resources regarding themselves and family members.
    You can call 67105048 or 80005055 in the Social Service Territorial Center.
    An application in the official language and other documents may also be submitted to the Social Service by a secure electronic signature or by mail (the application must be signed in hand).

  2. Receipt of services
    The allowance shall be granted to a person after the assessment of the income and material status of the family (person).
    Within 22 working days after receipt of all the documents, a decision regarding the granting of the allowance or refusal to grant it shall be taken in the Social Service of Riga. The applicant for the benefit shall be informed of the decision taken.
    The allowance shall be paid by transfer to the account indicated by the person.
    Riga Social Service informative phone: 67105048.
    Riga City Council Welfare Department Free Information Phone: 80005055

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