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The allowance is intended for the payment of work on the adjustment of housing, including the necessary documents - an estimate, a project for rebuilding or rebuilding of housing or a simplified conversion or recovery certificate, and its co-ordination in the City Development Department of Riga City Council, except if arbitrary construction has been carried out in the dwelling in advance. The work of adjustment of housing shall be performed by a merchant registered in the Commercial Register or by a merchant registered in a European Union Member State.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    The purpose of the adaptation of housing is to make the housing environment accessible to a disabled person, to provide access to housing, to increase capacity for activities and to reduce dependency on others.
    The person shall turn to the Social Service of Riga, present a personal identification document, a disability identification document and submit:
    1) a submission;
    2) an extract from the medical card of an outpatient patient (form No 027/u) or an opinion of the treating physician, which contains the necessary medical information for the preparation of the opinion of the Riga Social Service ergotherapist;
    3) a copy of the rental contract (presenting the original);
    4) written consent of the owner of the dwelling to the adaptation of the dwelling, if the submitter is not the owner of the dwelling.
    Riga Social Service determines the amount of housing adjustment expenses, based on the documents received, which are necessary for adjusting housing. The amount of the allowance for the adjustment of the dwelling, including the preparation of the documents necessary for the adaptation of the dwelling, must not exceed EUR 6000 and EUR 2250 for the person with visual disabilities.

    You can call 67105048, 25770080 or 80005055 in the Social Service Territorial Centre.

    An application in the official language and other documents may also be submitted to the Social Service by a secure electronic signature or by mail (the application must be signed in hand).

  2. Receipt of services
    The allowance for adjustment of housing is granted after checking the documents submitted by the Riga Social Service.
    The allowance for the adjustment of housing shall be transferred to a registered construction merchant on the basis of a contract after the adaptation of the dwelling.
    The allowance for payment of housing adjustment expenses is paid by the Riga Social Service after the recruitment of housing adjustment jobs.

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