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Any person
Receiving restrictions

A person who wants to place an advertisement or a promotional object with attachment to land in the administrative territory of Riga City needs to receive a permit by appealing to the City Development Department of Riga City Council.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    The service may be requested in person at the City Development Department of Riga City Council, leaving the documents in a specially intended document cabinet, or in the city of Riga's city city city city city city city city city residents centre, leaving the documents in a specially intended mailbox for them.
    When requesting a service electronically, the client shall submit an application prepared in accordance with the regulatory enactments
    for acts regarding the drawing up of electronic documents, certified with a secure electronic signature, time stamp and other necessary documents.
    When requesting the service by post, the client shall send a completed submission and other necessary documents.
    Service requests documents required:
    1. Application for Ad Reconciliation/Deployment Authorisation (Form No. Da_118_v3);
    2. Colored visual sketches or photoassembling of an ad or ad object (in two copies, stating size and scale).
    3. Characteristics of additional effects (e.g. lighting, sound effects, if planned).
    4. Description of finishing materials and color solutions.
    5. A plan for the situation of the unit of land, in accordance with the specified procedures, showing the location of the installation of the installation.
    6. Written consent of the land owner, possessor or his or her authorised person for the placement of the site, if it is intended to be placed on immovable property belonging to other persons.
    7. Co-ordination with the VAS “Latvian State Roads” (if the object is located along the road).
    8. Attachment of an object accommodation to a ground unit situation plan (if the object is located in street red lines).
    The City Development Department of Riga City Council reviews the project of an advertising/promotional object with land attachment and takes a decision regarding the issuance of a permit for placing an advertising/advertising object or regarding the refusal to issue a permit for placing an advertising/advertising object.
    The City Development Department of Riga City Council issues a statement regarding the local government fee for the placement of advertising, advertisements and other visual information in Riga (except signboards).

  2. A service charge
    Before submitting an advertising/promotional object project and preparing an ad/promotional site deployment permit, a mandatory payment should be made - EUR 22.77 the municipal fee for the formal document drawn up in accordance with the Law No 178 of the Riga City Council 16.06.2009 on the municipality fee for the receipt of the official document drawn up by the City Development Department of Riga City and certified copies thereof. Annex.
    The Properties:
    Riga municipality
    Reg. No. 90011524360
    Latvian branch of luminor Bank AS
    Account No. LV82RIKO0020100000002

    After the installation of an advertising/advertising facility, payments of the local government fee shall be made in accordance with the procedures specified in the Law On the Local Government Fee on the Deployment of advertising and advertisements in Riga (except for signs) of the Riga City Council 01.08.2006.
    The Properties:
    Riga municipality
    Reg. No. 90011524360
    Latvian branch of luminor Bank AS
    Account No. LV55RIKO0020100000003

  3. Receipt of services
    The ad/promotional site deployment permission can be obtained electronically by email specified by the client (in the case of an activated official e-address account, the department will use the e-address primarily).
    If the advertisement is an object of the local government fee, the payment statement regarding the local government fee shall be prepared and circulated in a registered mail within 5 working days after the preparation of the permit for the placement of the advertisement.


22.77 EUR