Execution deadline in working days
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Receiving restrictions

In conformity with the Law on the State Cadastre of the Netical Property, in performing the cadastral survey of a unit of land or part of a unit of land, it is necessary to co-ordinate the plan of the encumbrance of the unit of land and part of the unit of land or information regarding the absence of burdens with the local government.
In order to obtain a consent, the lien plan must be drawn up in accordance with 27.12.2011 Rules for the cadastral survey '215 of the BOM Regulation No 1019'.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    The customer may request the service in the following ways:
    1. in e-mail - the developer of the encumbrance plan shall submit the application form “Application for Harmonisation of the Coupling Plan”, signed with a secure electronic signature, accompanied by an encumbrance plan, which has been developed in accordance with 27.12.2011 BOM Rule 1019 'Lands
    rules for the cadastral survey 'for point 215. Burden plan * must be submitted in vector format (dwg. or dgn) and signed in pdf format with a secure electronic signature;
    2. on-site - submit to the City Development Department of Riga City Council an application form entitled “Application for Harmonisation of Coupling Plan”. The form must be accompanied by a encumbrance plan * drawn up in accordance with 27.12.2011 Rules for the cadastral survey '215 of the BOM Regulation No 1019'. The plan must be drawn up in 2 (two) copies. The documents shall be left in a specially designed filing cabinet at the Department.
    * if the encumbrance plan has been developed on the basis of a land survey project, it is necessary to add information regarding the approved land survey project.

  2. Receipt of services
    The service may be received in the following ways:
    1. in e-mail, to the e-mail specified in the application (in the case of an activated official e-address account, the department will use the e-address primarily);
    2. on-site - in the City Development Department of Riga City Council, Dzirnavu Street 140, Riga.

    Documents can be received on Tuesday from 9.00 to 13.00, on Thursdays from 13.00 to 17.00. In order to request receipt of documents, a previous record must be made by calling the Call Centre of the City Development Department of Riga City Council by telephone: 67105800.