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The group house (apartment) service provides housing and individual support in tackling social problems, developing skills and skills so that a person can start an independent life or be able to function as independently as possible in the group house (apartment).

Process description

  1. Service requests
    In order to receive the services of the group house (apartment), a person (presenting a personal identification document) or his or her lawful representative (presenting a personal identification document and an authorisation agreement) shall turn to the social service of Riga and submit:
    1) a submission in which the problem and the preferred solution thereof shall be indicated (may be submitted from the age of 17);
    2) a statement issued by a family doctor regarding the state of health of a person, specifying the type (s) of functional disorder and the characteristics (if any) of an acute infection (for example, lung tuberculosis at the active stage, acute infectious disease), which may affect the procedures for the provision of social services, recommendations for care and prevention;
    3) the opinion of a psychiatrist regarding the psychological health of a person and the special (psychiatric) contraindications for the receipt of social services;
    4) other documents, if they are necessary for taking a decision regarding the granting of a group house (apartment) service.
    If a person is located in a long-term social care and social rehabilitation institution in order to receive the services of the group house (apartment), the person shall apply with an application to the head of the institution.
    The person must visit the selected group house (apartment) and familiarise himself with the environment before the service is granted.
    Documents may also be submitted with a secure electronic signature or sent by mail to the Social Service of Riga. By mail (the application must be signed manually) or by e-mail address: (by signing with a secure electronic signature).

    You can call 67105048, 25770080 or 80005055 in the Social Service Territorial Centre.

  2. A service charge
    The procedures for payment are specified in Section XXIX of the binding regulations No. 3 of the Riga City Council 06.03.202020. “Procedures for the Receiving and Payment of social services provided by the municipality of Riga”.
    The costs of the group house (apartment) service are covered from the budget resources of the municipality of Riga, without assessing the income and material status of the person (family).

    For persons studying, working or visiting a specialised workshop for persons with mental disabilities, persons with severe mental impairment visiting a day-care centre for persons with mental disabilities shall be charged for the operation of the residential space, kitchen and sharing facilities (in accordance with the usable part) in accordance with the costs of that service, but not more than 42,2,2,EUR 69 per month. The remainder of the service fee is covered by the municipality of Riga.

    If a person lives in a group house (apartment) with a child, if necessary, the social service of Riga, in agreement with the provider of the group house (apartment), shall cover the additional costs necessary to ensure childcare and parenting in the group house (apartment).

    Upon receiving a group house (apartment) service, in accordance with the procedures specified in Regulation No 829 of the Cabinet of Ministers on the co-financing of day centres, group houses (apartments) and half-way houses construction and maintenance expenses, the person shall bear the costs for the operation of the residential space, kitchen and sharing rooms (in conformity with the usable part (for example), electricity, gas and public costs, home management).

  3. Receipt of services
    Within the scope of the group house (apartment) service, the following shall be ensured to the person:
    - day-to-day monitoring;
    - assistance and support for self-care or, if necessary, social care (hygiene and incontinent funds for personal financial resources);
    - aid for cooking or, if necessary, cooking (products for personal financial resources);
    - the acquisition, maintenance, development or adjustment of social skills and household skills;
    - support for job search and raising awareness of working relationships;
    - promoting and informing integration in society - educational measures (acquisition of accessible communication skills, support for the promotion of a physically active lifestyle, etc.);
    - individual counselling and individual support for social problems by the social worker and other specialists;
    - the room and its equipment (at the time of receipt of the group house (apartment) service, for the operation of the premises, the person shall carry out a co-payment, see page Step 2);

    A person receives a service in an institution with which the municipality of Riga State has entered into a contract regarding the provision of a group house (apartment) service.

    The providers of the group house (apartment) service can be consulted on the Riga City Council Welfare Department's website: under the heading “Services” of, under the heading “Social services” - “Social services for persons with mental disabilities”.
    Riga Social Service informative phone: 67105048
    Riga City Council Welfare Department Free Information Phone: 80005055

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