Execution deadline in working days
Individual person
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Receiving restrictions

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Persons with visual, movement and mental impairment may receive an assistant to perform activities outside the dwelling which, due to their disability, cannot perform independently - to the place where they are studying, working, receiving services. If a disabled child grows in a family, a number of forms of support directly related to parental employment are envisaged until the age of 18.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    Provide people with disabilities, employment support services (hereinafter - employment support service) of the municipality of Riga to reduce/eliminate the risk of social insularity, promote inclusion in society and integration into the labour market. The service provides individual counselling and specialist support within the group to encourage and motivate people with disabilities to work and help them find suitable work, if necessary, by establishing contact with the potential employer. Customers are provided with information on the labour market and employers, requests for the selected profession, educational opportunities. Customers have the possibility to receive advice from representatives of other participating institutions in one place (for example, the State Employment Agency, the State Social Insurance Agency and the Crisis Centre). A person for employment support services or his or her lawful representative shall request the Social Service.
    In order to receive an employment support service, the person or his or her legal representative shall present a personal identification document and submit to the Social Service:
    1) an application in which a desire to receive a service has been expressed;
    2) a copy of the document certifying invalidity (the copy shall not be certified);
    3) other documents, if they are necessary for taking a decision regarding the granting of the service.

    You can call 67105048, 25770080 or 80005055 in the Social Service Territorial Centre.

    By mail (the application must be signed manually), by signing with a secure electronic signature, or
    also using an e-address.

  2. Receipt of services
    Within 10 working days after receipt of the submission, the Social Service of Riga shall take a decision regarding the granting or refusal of an employment support service.
    The service is received at the premises of the Association of Disabled People and their Friends.

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