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Receiving restrictions

The municipality of Riga State shall grant funding for the preservation of sacred heritage sites by announcing a project competition not less than once a year. The administration of the service (by-law of competition, publication of regulatory enactments and tender documents, publication of frequently asked questions, publication of the results of competition, information regarding consultations) shall take place on the official homepage of the service:

Process description

  1. Enquiry step
    The project shall be submitted to the programme by the deadline specified in the programme regulation for the current year;
    The eligibility of the project is assessed within two months of its receipt;
    Commission decides on approval of permitted projects following the Riga City Council's binding regulation "On Riga
    approval of the State City municipality's budget for 2023.
    The project may be submitted to the competition on the spot or by courier mail.

    In cases where there is a need to limit or stop visitor recruitment, visitors are accepted remotely, in exceptional cases where the issue cannot be resolved remotely, allowing the presence of visitors, the service may be provided on site at the Customer Service Centre of the Department of Ownership on the Knights Street 10, in Riga, only after a previous record of the telephone number +371626138 or +37167105221, or specialists, when assessing its presence
    urgency on an individual basis.

    The time of recruitment of specialists may be consulted in the “Services” section of the home page of the Department of Property:

    The documents necessary for the receipt of the service are specified in the competition by-law for the current year, published on the official homepage of the administration of the service

  2. The step
    The decision of the Riga City Council's Environment Development and Quality Commission is announced to the addressee in person or by e-mail, as well as information regarding the results of the competition is published on the official homepage of the Service Administration
    The service is provided on-site at the Customer Service Center of the Department of Property on the Knights Street
    10, in Riga, only after a previous recording by phone number +37167026138 or +37167105221, assessing the urgency of providing it on a case-by-case basis.

    In cases where there is a need to limit or stop visitor recruitment, visitors are accepted remotely, in exceptional cases where the issue cannot be resolved remotely, allowing the presence of visitors, the service may be provided on site at the Customer Service Centre of the Department of Ownership on the Knights Street 10, in Riga, only after a previous record of the telephone number +371626138 or +37167105221, or specialists, when assessing its presence
    urgency on an individual basis.

    The time of recruitment of specialists may be consulted in the “Services” section of the home page of the Department of Property:

    The documents necessary for the receipt of the service shall be specified in the tender by-law for the current year, published on the official homepage of the administration of the service