Execution deadline in working days
Any person
Receiving restrictions

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Harvesting and care of stray and orphan animals:
1. Residents shall provide information regarding the location of a stray or non-host animal by calling or visiting the local government police or the official veterinarian, by e-mail or informing the Housing and Environment Department of the Riga City Council in writing.
2. The animal catcher goes to the designated animal's location area, the animal is searched and captured as far as possible.
3. The animal is delivered to a veterinary clinic and after medical care at an animal shelter.
4. If the animal is incurably ill, the animal may be euthanised after the conclusion of the veterinarian.
5. The animal is kept in the shelter for 14 days.
6. Within 14 days, either return the animal to its owner, seek a new owner or keep it in the shelter and continue to seek new homes for that animal.
If its existing owner is present, the animal may also be recovered before a period of 14 days.

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